I am Alexis Mosher, an eighth-grade student at Hartland
Middle School. This August I will be attending Hartland High
School as a freshman. My mom was the first member of
GBU in our family, she became a member in 1992. My
family signed me up to be apart of the Coverdell
Educational Savings Plan in 2009. GBU is ensuring a
successful future of education.
I know GBU is big in volunteer work and assisting people
who are in need. I have done several hours helping
throughout my small community. Every Thanksgiving,
my mom, dad and I deliver meals to the elderly
through Meals on Wheels. Last Christmas, my friends and
I helped sort food at Gleaners. When I was in kindergarten
and first grade, I was apart of Girl Scouts, and we
volunteered at the Howell Humane Society, Gleaners and
many other organizations. Assisting others is what helps
society stay together, GBU is bringing people together a day
at a time.
Dance has been apart of my life since I was five years
old. I attended Suzanne’s Main Street Dance Centre in
Milford, Michigan, through fifth grade, then went to Gayle’s
Dance Phase in Wixom, Michigan, for two years. I recently
ended my studies in dance to try out new hobbies and
interests I have, but dance shaped the person I am today.
Dancing taught me hard work, what passion is and
perseverance. It has taught me to keep working for your
dreams no matter how difficult it may be. The transition
from studio to studio blossomed a magnificent change in
character for me as well. The switch helped me learn that
change can be hard, but it is always worth it in the end.
GBU is giving me endless opportunities for my
future in education. The Coverdell Education Savings
Plan has helped me and my family save over $10,000
for my studies when I attend college in a few years.
Thank you for letting me participate in this essay.
-Alexis Mosher
My name is Bryce Zimmermann. Before I start writing this essay, I had a lot of questions like, “what is GBU?,” “what do they do?” and “why do I need life insurance?,” but I have learned that GBU is more than just a company; it is a community.
I have also learned that GBU is a life insurance company that gives people the peace of mind that if they or someone they love were to unexpectedly pass away, the funeral expenses would be paid. GBU also means financial security for me and other members.
GBU also gives people like me a chance to get a $250 high school freshman grant to help with some of the expenses to go to a Christian high school. Other people can get a fully paid scholarship to college.
Some of the things GBU has done is Operation Reach Out, which puts together boxes of food and water and other things for soldiers overseas along with letter of appreciation. GBU has been doing this for the past five years. GBU has also given more than $250,000 to first responders during the global crisis that is Covid-19. GBU has been helping people for 128 years and it continues to grow through everything going on in the world.
My parents set up life insurance for me when I was very young. One of their friends recommended that it would be a very smart idea for them to do it.
It would be an honor to be able to get this grant from GBU since it already does so much for so many communities and people that it would be a little thing they could do for me.
-Bryce Zimmermann