The Kindergruppe (children's group) charmed the audience, as usual, with its entertaining performance. Even the broom made it to the dance floor for a fun ‘Besen Tanz." Next up, the lively Strauß auction. In between bids, the Jugendgruppe delighted the crowd with spins, flying girls, flips and dancing to music. The lucky winner: Helga Kniep, who coaxed husband Burkhard to join her for the Ehrenwalzer (honorary waltz).
The Jugendgruppe performance began with much enthusiasm. The first dance included a nod back to the Kronen Tanz (Crown Dance) of years ago where the dancers marched in holding decorated arches. A new program of up-tempo dances showed their dancing skills and delighted the audience. The Carpathia Blasmusikanten provided music for our listening and dancing pleasure. A traditional evening requires a traditional band.
Christmas Market
District 821 was not able to hold its annual Christmas market last year due to COVID-19 restrictions, Much to everyone's delight, it was able to be held this year on November 28, District 821 President Edith Kuplent had worked since early spring to secure crafters and volunteers for the event. However because of very active district members like Adele Reinke, Peter Hermann and Joseph Groele passing to their reward, and many others having difficulty managing the event due to health and age, the district voted to ask the Carpathia Foundation to take over the event. Even with the first snow, many people came. The annual GBU display was hosted by Marianne Krenzer and drew quite a group of interested people stopping by to find out more about GBU and enjoy some nice promotional giveaways.
Teaming up with other organizations who share values and goals in your community is a great way to expand the reach of your GBU district. Thank you to District 821 for your work throughout the pandemic to keep your district active and your common bond of German culture alive in your community. If your district would like help brainstorming ways to work with additional groups in your community, set up a meeting with Districts and Special Projects Coordinator Mary Koczan at the Home Office.
A special thank you to Marianne Krenzer, acting secretary of District 821, and Karin Schwalbe, director of the Carpathia Foundation, for providing content for this article.