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While life doesn’t come with guarantees, fixed annuities do

Fixed annuities are investments backed by an insurance company. They provide predictable growth along with the ability to turn your savings into an income stream.

GBU Life fixed annuities grow tax-deferred until you’re ready to withdraw the funds or turn them into a regular paycheck you can’t outlive. And, not only can our annuities be a good fit for securing your retirement, they can also help you reach other long-term financial goals like buying a home or paying for higher education.

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Future Flex
Fixed Index Annuity

Expanded earning potential with downside protection.

The Future Flex Fixed Index Annuity (FIA) can help grow your savings with carefully measured risk. This flexible premium deferred annuity earns interest when your chosen stock market index or indices perform well while simultaneously protecting against market downturns.

The Future Flex FIA allows you the flexibility to make additional contributions of $1,000 or more at any time during the four-year contract. Plus, you can choose to reallocate your money amongst three different index options every one or two years.

More GBU Life Annuities

Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity (FPDA)

Smart financial planning dictates protecting some portion of assets from the stock market’s ups and downs. Our five- and eight-year tax-deferred annuities provide this much-needed predictability along with growth through competitive interest rates, compounded daily.

Upon renewal of our Preferred 5 or Preferred 8 Annuity, we offer a loyalty bonus: an even higher interest rate for the first year of the new term.
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Multi Year Guaranteed Annuity (MYGA)

An Asset Guard MYGA Annuity from GBU Life provides you with guaranteed growth and stability. Have confidence and certainty in your retirement outlook; save for the future by protecting your portfolio from stock market volatility. Unlike other annuities with returns that can change over the life of the contract, the interest rate for your Asset Guard Annuity is locked in at issue and guaranteed for the time period that you select. This makes it a realizable and steady alternative to other investments whose value may fluctuate with changes in stock or bond markets. Further, there are no fees associated with MYGAs, and your deposits start earning interest from the day they are received.
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How can I use annuities to help prepare for my future?

Woman and child
March 27, 2024
According to the Pew Research Center, in 2021, many stay-at-home moms (79%) and dads (23%) said they took care of the home or family, otherwise known as caregiving. Anyone who has found themselves in a comparable situation knows that leaving corporate America for a life of housekeeping and caregiving is no walk in the park. Maintaining a “stay-at-home” designation, whether for your kids or for other loved ones, is just as tiresome as a “corporate” position—if not more so. So, what are some tips to help stay-at-home caregivers focus on “employee benefits” like salary, life insurance and retirement (social security and 401[k]s) like those of their office counterparts? In this article, we will dive into all three benefit areas. A common concern for those considering entering a stay-at-home position is the loss of salary. For example, a two-adult household where one partner decides to stay at home goes from a two-income to a single-income family. Not to mention the unique mental burdens placed on both the “working” and the stay-at-home parent. Because there is plenty of work to match the hectic work schedule of a full-time job, sites like TaxSlayer say, “There are several potential credits associated with having dependents – the biggest being the Child Tax Credit,” which recognizes stay-at-home status and may help soften the blow of a loss of income. Also, according to job sites like, a search performed on Google from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on January 25, 2024, showed 513 available jobs for stay-at-home parents (i.e., jobs that can be done during naptime or periods where someone else can take over). All this shows that there are options for those who still need to generate an income while performing their caregiving duties. In my experience, life insurance is an income benefit offered by many employers but not commonly thought about in the younger demographic or during the decision to “stay at home.” My wife, mother of two and former stay-at-home mom, looked at the life insurance benefit offered by my former company, which covered one year’s salary and realized how quickly that would be depleted should something ever happen to me. It had her considering additional coverage for both me and her. Because she hadn’t ruled out pursuing her career later down the road, a Select Choice Term Life1 insurance policy with a spousal rider from GBU could have given us the additional coverage needed to supplement my benefit from work. This policy could have also cost-effectively covered her should something have happened to her during that time. Lastly, another important factor in the decision to stay at home is retirement. Did you know that, according to a 2023 survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 26% of caregivers in the upper-income group are less confident in their retirement prospects than non-caregivers? In a standard office position, a portion of employees’ salaries are deducted and sent towards their social security and are oftentimes elected for building up a 401(k). But are families factoring that in when deciding to go to full-time “stay at home”? It’s especially important to consider if the “stay-at-home” status is temporary and that person wants to get back into the workforce later on. There are companies like APB Retirement to help you facilitate a 401k plan that works for you/your role as a stay-at-home caregiver. Alternatively, rolling money over from a previous 401(k) to a GBU Future Flex Fixed Index Annuity2 will allow your retirement savings to continue to grow, while protecting against the loss of principal. You can add additional funds to this annuity at any time as you are able.
January 12, 2024
GBU’s new Fixed Index Annuity (FIA) products are set to launch in February and will allow our members yet another way to safely grow funds for their retirement.
January 3, 2022
Your qualified charitable distributions can satisfy all or part of the amount of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA.
By websitebuilder November 28, 2020
You have the opportunity to specify the organization as a beneficiary for your life insurance or annuity policy. Wondering how? Simply specify the charity name on your beneficiary designation form. You can choose the percentage each beneficiary will receive and can split it amongst multiple recipients. Be sure to review your beneficiary recipients once a year or every five years at minimum. You can make updates to your beneficiaries at any time by contacting your agent or the GBU Home Office.
By Natasha Herleman November 8, 2020
Annuitization is when an annuity investment is converted into a series of payments. Annuities can be annuitized for the lifetime of the annuitant or for a certain amount of time. Payments are only available to the annuitant or the annuitant and spouse. Additionally, if specified, the annuitant's beneficiaries are eligible for a portion of the annuity balance upon death. Remember that at any point in time, even during the penalty period, you can annuitize your annuity. Receive a quote from your agent or the GBU Home Office .
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